5 Convicted drug cases-sentenced to Death
The Supreme Court (MA) rejected the request for reconsideration (PK), 5 sentenced to death in drug cases. In excerpts of the Supreme Court decision No. 201 PK / PID.SUS / 2014, they are Manquan Zhang, Chen Hongxin, Jian Yuxin, Gan Chunyi, Zhu Xuxiong. All four were residents of China.
According to the Supreme Council of Judges consisting of Salman Luthan as chairman of the panel and Andi Samsan Nganro and Tanuwijaya as judges, based on the consultative meeting MA on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, it was decided to reject the PK.
"Rejecting the request for reconsideration of the Petitioners Reconsideration /
The Convict," reads the verdict. In other words, the assembly set petitioned reconsideration decision is still valid.
The Convict," reads the verdict. In other words, the assembly set petitioned reconsideration decision is still valid.
When the case is heard at the Tangerang District Court, the five defendants actually not sentenced to death. Tangerang District Court No. 891 / Pid.B / 2006 / -PN.TNG. dated 6 November 2006 stated they been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
The case was then led to the appeal to the Banten High Court, either by the public prosecutor or the defendant. Through Banten High Court decision No. 89 / PID / -2006 / PT.BTN. dated January 17, 2007, the judges upheld the ruling Tangerang District Court No. 891 / Pid.B / 2006 / -PN.TNG. that is appealed.
Not satisfied with the verdict, the prosecutor Kejari Tangerang then appealed to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Decision No. 771 K / PID / 2007 dated May 29, 2007 then states grant the applicant's appeal to annul the decision of the High Court which upheld the ruling Banten Tangerang District Court.
Appeal panel then judge themselves and declare the fifth defendant legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a crime to produce and / or use in the production of Class I drugs, organized manner and produce psychotropic. They were later sentenced to death.
Cassation decision is then applied PK by death row inmates who later also rejected by the Supreme Council of Judges.
Each inmate will die face 14 personnel sniper. |
After passing through the winding roads and exhausting, and takes a long time, should death row inmates that was to be executed. Especially if he does not decide to apply for a presidential pardon, there is no longer an automatic legal efforts that can be taken.
However, in reality, there are other ways to do this, death row inmates to delay or even escape from the firing squad. For example, by applying PK many times, both for the same case or in a different case. Though, the law of the PK is clear.
Source : by Rinaldo -, Jakarta.
on April 28, 2016 at 21:27 GMT