Monday, May 16, 2016

German citizen-hanged himself-on-an uninhabited island-of Papua

German citizen-hanged himself-on-an uninhabited island-of Papua

Vogrineg Miroslav, 49 years old, Stuttgart Deutsch German citizen, was found hanging himself on a tree, in Coastal Yongsu Bou, the village of Tablasupa, Depapre District, Jayapura district.

A resident of the village of Tablasupa who was also a witness, Yan Piter Apaseray, 56, found his body, already dependent on Friday, May 6, 2016 at around 17:20 local time.

"The afternoon was a bit dark and I saw there was a human body hanging on a rope. Then took my wife, get home and go to Depapre by boat to notify this discovery," said Yan. of Public Relations of Papua Police Commissioner Patrige warin said, shortly after it was reported that the discovery of the bodies, member identification and Opsnal Criminal Police Depapre directly to the scene.

"This morning at around 08.00 local time we managed to evacuate the bodies together with a joint team of police Depapre and members of Koramil Depapre. Location invention corpse on the uninhabited island that must be taken speedboat or outboard boats. When found, the body is already in a state of decay," said Patrige Saturday , Then, at around 12:10 local time, the bodies were taken to the General Hospital of Dok II Jayapura for an autopsy.
"We have a number of witnesses, including Yance Nusaseray, owner of Home Stage, and then there are people Tablanusu, namely Yan Piter Seray, and several others," said Patrige.

The police are still investigating the motive of the suicide, by collect a number of items of evidence.

Papua Police had received a letter from the German Embassy to immediately bury the bodies of its citizens, Vogrineg Moroslav, which was found on May 6, on the island of no man's land in Kampung Tablanusu, Depapre, Jayapura district.

In the letter mentioned the German Embassy had been trying to find his family in Germany. But since 2015, the family no longer lived at the address indicated on their identity.

Papua Police Chief Inspector Paul Waterpauw said, in the presence of the letter, it will seek advice from Bareskim Police Headquarters for further efforts.

"But we will ask for an autopsy before burial, to know the cause of death," said Paul, Friday, May 13, 2016.

In the police investigation, Vogrineg Moroslav is known flunky status. Until now, police have yet to confirm whether the victim was deliberately hanged himself or was killed first, then hanged. Motives from the death of German citizen was also still being sought.
"The strange thing, the victim was found hanging on a tree branch neck is not too high, which is located on the beach. It needs to be suspected," he said.

Police now collecting a number of travel routes of victims, until it ends at the site of the discovery of his body. "Alibi is very important, for example, where he traveled, while in Papua, with whom, who last met. The trip also determine motif discovery of victims's body," said Paul.

Till today, the police has examined seven witnesses for questioning. According to police, Vogrineg Moroslav did not leave a mark of suicide.

"Only in the position that he was found by the sea, becomes an interesting thing in the disclosure of the case," said the two-star general who served as police chief of West Papua.

The body of the German citizen until now still in the mortuary Regional General Hospital Dok II Jayapura.

By Katharina, Jayapura.
on May 7, 2016 at 22:04 GMT